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EV Charger Prep Credit

Charger Installation Credits

Take advantage of our EV Charger Prep Credit to get reimbursed for preparing your home or garage.

Get your home ready to charge.

Costs Does cost qualify for Charger Prep Credit?
Conduit, wiring, and outlets supplying charger White checkmark against dark green background
Panel upgrades and breaker installation White checkmark against dark green background
EV charger hardware White checkmark against dark green background
Hardware mounting and commissioning icon no
Pulling permits and fees icon no

Apply for Your Credit

There are two options for receiving the program credit:
  • Customer Credit Option

    If you have an electrical contractor already chosen to do the work, or you have completed the charger prep work in the last four months, you can submit your paid invoice and receive a check.

  • Contractor Credit Option

    Duke Energy will facilitate choosing an electrical contractor, and the credit will be shown on your final bill from the contractor as a discount on the work done that qualifies as charger prep work.

More about Charging EVs

in copy about charging green
Here are some things to consider as you plan your project to make your home ready for an electric vehicle charger.
  • Chargers over 40 amps need to be hardwired and cannot use a dryer plug.
  • Check with your vehicle manufacturer to help ensure you choose the right charger for your vehicle’s battery.
  • Want to understand more about home EV charging? Get started.